NADA Miami 2023
NADA Miami 2023
Miami, FL
December 5 - 9, 2023
The Pit is pleased to share a group presentation of new works by Anthony Miler, Chase Biado, Allison Schulnik, Laura Berger, Liz Markus, Raymie Iadevaia, Paul Wackers, Aaron Johnson, Sam Jablon, Richard Nam, Bruna Massadas, Sarah Thibault, Rosson Crow, Gabrielle Garland, James Ulmer, Leena Similu, Kelly Lynn Jones, Magnus Sodamin, and Chase Barney. Visit us at booth B-202!
VIP Preview (Invitation Only):
Tuesday, December 5, 10am-4pm
VIP Hour (by Invitation):
Wednesday, December 6, 10am–11am
Open to public:
Tuesday, December 5, 4pm–7pm
Wednesday, December 6, 11am–7pm
Thursday, December 7, 11am–7pm
Friday, December 8, 11am–7pm
Saturday, December 9, 11am–6pm
For more information email us at
Anthony Miler, Not Titled, 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 34 x 44 in.
Anthony Miler, Not Titled, 2023, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 28 x 34 in.
Chase Biado, Big plans, 2023, Oil on canvas, 40 x 32 in.
Chase Biado, Staying in, 2023, Oil on canvas, 40 x 32 in.
Allison Schulnik, Marina purple puffs, 2023, Oil on canvas stretched over board, 28 x 20 in.
Allison Schulnik, Moth Pot, 2023, Glazed ceramic, proproxy and enamel, 25 x 11 x 10 in.
Laura Berger, Clearing, 2023, Oil on canvas, 60 x 48 in.
Liz Markus, Orange Porsche and Red Racing Stripes, 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 48 in.
Raymie Iadevaia, The Days, 2023, Oil on wood panel, 48 x 42 in.
Raymie Iadevaia, In the Airplane Over the Sea, 2023, Oil on wood panel, 30 x 25 in.
Paul Wackers, Time drawn out, 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 36 x 30 in.
Paul Wackers, first time, long time, 2022, Acrylic, spray paint on canvas, 48 x 40 in.
Aaron Johnson, Exchanging Gifts, 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 34 x 26 in.
Aaron Johnson, Shot to the Cosmic Heart, 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 62 x 50 in.
Sam Jablon, Lover, 2023, Oil on linen, 60 x 50 in.
Richard Nam, Diplodocus, 2023, Glazed ceramic, 22 x 8½ x 13 in.
Richard Nam, Nodosaur, 2023, Glazed ceramic, 16 x 11 x 9 in.
Bruna Massadas, Eve, 2022, Acrylic on canvas, 48 x 36 in.
Rosson Crow, A Woman's World, 2020, Acrylic, spray paint, photo transfer, and oil on canvas, 60 x 48 in.
Gabrielle Garland, Untitled, 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 48 x 48 in.
James Ulmer, Spectrum Suite, 2023, Acrylic, Fluorescent Acrylic, Flashe on Poly cotton canvas., 24 x 32 in.
Leena Similu, Wilful Daughter II, 2023, Ceramic, mixed media and gold, 18 x 16 x 10 in.
Chase Barney, Lead Not Follow, 2023, Glazed ceramic, 18 x 16 x 16 in.
Magnus Sodamin, Under Watching Eyes, 2023, Oil on panel, 48 x 36 in.
Anthony Miler, Land Is Witness , 2023, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 47¼ x 56½ in.
Anthony Miler, Not Titled, 2023, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 28 x 34 in.
Chase Biado, Elf Painting, 2023, Oil on linen, 40 x 32 in.
Chase Biado, Jazz rat, 2023, Oil on linen, 40 x 32 in.
Allison Schulnik, Mum’s Pot with Wildflowers (Brittlebrush and Pincushion), 2023, Oil on canvas stretched over board, 28 x 20 in.
Laura Berger, Weather Systems, 2023, Oil on canvas, 48 x 33 in.
Laura Berger, The Falls, 2023, Oil on canvas, 72 x 48 in.
Liz Markus, BMW Over Porsche GT, 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 59 x 47 in.
Liz Markus, Striped Corvette, 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 48 in.
Raymie Iadevaia, Cascade, 2023, Oil on wood panel, 48 x 42 in.
Paul Wackers, Here there and everywhere, 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 56 x 48 in.
Paul Wackers, fragrant and soothing, 2022, Acrylic, spray paint on canvas, 24 x 20 in.
Aaron Johnson, We Hold Each Other, 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 64 in.
Aaron Johnson, Lucidity, 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 34 x 26 in.
Aaron Johnson, Mother with Child and Chimera, 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 62 x 50 in.
Richard Nam, Iguanodon (Gita), Glazed ceramic, 11¼ x 14 x 6½ in.
Richard Nam, Pink Mamenchi, 2023, Glazed ceramic, 14¼ x 24 x 9½ in.
Bruna Massadas, Summer Mirage, 2022, Acrylic on canvas, 38 x 32 in.
Sarah Thibault, The energy that radiates from within, 2023, Oil on canvas, 36 x 48 in.
Sarah Thibault, For Beginnings and Endings , 2021, Oil on canvas, 60 x 72 in.
Sarah Thibault, Crossing over, 2021- 2022, Oil on canvas, 60 x 72 in.
Rosson Crow, Neon Moon, 2020, Acrylic, spray paint, photo transfer, and oil on canvas, 69 x 69 in.
Gabrielle Garland, Untitled, 2022, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 72 x 48 in.
Leena Similu, Wilful Daughter I, 2023, Ceramic, mixed media and gold, 17 x 13 x 13 in.
Kelly Lynn Jones, We will ride together till our eyes grow heavy, 2023, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 26 x 20 in.