
Riders of the Red Horse



 Riders of the Red Horse

July 21 - August 29, 2020

Participating artists:

Diana Yesenia Alvarado, Amy Bessone , Keith Boadwee , Elana Bowsher, Canyon Castator, John de Fazio, Thiago Martins de Melo, Austin Eddy, Jesse Edwards, Sharif Farrag, Bella Foster, FriendsWithYou, Daniel Gibson, Tamara Gonzales, Daniel Heidkamp, Elizabeth Ibarra, Craig Kucia, David Leggett, Shaina McCoy, Liz Markus, Jay Miriam, Jaime Muñoz, Narumi Nekpenekpen, Heather Rasmussen, Jennifer Rochlin, Adrianne Rubenstein, Conrad Ruiz, Jose Luis Sanchez Rull, Koichi Sato, Allison Shulnik, Devin Troy Strother, Ken Taylor, Austyn Weiner, Hiejin Yoo

The Pit is pleased to announce Riders of the Red Horse, a group exhibition. This exhibition marks the re-opening of our gallery after four months of closure from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Before going into quarantine the bones of this exhibition were just being conceived, and our time during the shutdown resulted in a greatly expanded group of artists. There wasn’t a thematic concept to the works that we were selecting. Rather we were generating lists of artists and work that we were seeing that was exciting during the shutdown, often times from spending too much time on social media. When the list was finalized, and the works selected it came as no surprise that many of the daily aspects of life that we were missing while in quarantine were amplified in this exhibition. The galleries are filled with figures, in some ways interacting with each other, images of open spaces, nature, and animals. All things that were dearly missed while we were locked down in our homes.

Please schedule an appointment to visit the exhibition at the link above. Please wear a face covering and practice social distancing guidelines while visiting.

Checklist available here.






